Hi Captain Greg!
Thank you for a wonderful day of sailing yesterday!! You and Donna were most gracious hosts and lots of fun! We all laughed so much yesterday………..what a blast we had!!!!
You had mentioned that you used photos of us from our last expedition for your marketing brochure. We’d love to see it. If possible, please send it to me and I’ll forward to the rest of the crew.
Thanks again for a fun-filled day yesterday!!!!
Trish Constantino
Hi Greg,,
Just a quick note to let you know that we truly loved our "get-away" anniversary
trip on the Banana Winds. You are such a wonderful host and an expert sailor. We
had a wonderful time. Cliff and I will recommend the lovely Banana Winds to our
sailing friends. Here are a few pics that were my personal favorites. I'll copy
the rest onto a CD and mail them to you.
We'll get back to you a.s.a.p. (this week) about Cliff signing up as "Chef" for your
Sept. 10 sail-away date. I know he would love to join you and you wouldn't regret
having him as your cook. I'm sure he's just nervous about the time off as work is
soooo slow with carpentry and construction. You can guarantee that I am pushing
him out the door!!
Hugs! Teresa
On behalf of Brown-Forman and your sailing mates we just want to say a big "thank
you" for our experience yesterday. Our weekend was a team building experience and
you and your captains added greatly to what we came here for, to enjoy each others
company, get to know each other better, and to possibly make new friends along the
way. Everyone had great things to say about the sailing and your wonderful boats.
We absolutely enjoyed!! We look forward to seeing you all again soon! Thank you
again for making the planning incredibly easy. I also gave Judy Bransome of Ashleys
Island House your cards. She will be calling you and they also live close to your
port in Florida.
Take care and safe sailing.
Dear Captain Greg:
I want to thank you and your crew for providing more than our money's worth! The
weather was great, the wind was very cooperative, but the combination of your personality
and the sailing skill made our sailing experiences, that much better. I think we
all expected competence, but your flair for mixing fun and safety really made our
sailing adventure one we will never forget.
Thanks a million. We'll see you next year. Dave and Kathy Gaddis
MI. U.S.A.
Dear Capt. Greg
The foul weather may have kept us at the dock, but did not hamper ourgreat time
we spent with you on the "Banana Winds". Your sense of humor, hospitalityand
personality combined with the cuisine, served up a wonderful experience, that we
are anxious to enjoy again.
Looking forward to our next "Banana Winds" adventure.
Curt & Dawn Kier
Just a note of thanks for the great day we spent with you
Wednesday on the Banana Winds. We had a great day and look forward to seeing
you again next month if our plans work out. It is even better to think of
our trip with you knowing that we had 8 inches of snow here in Kansas while we were
on your boat. Thank you once again and we will call you to see if our plans
will fit in with yours. P.S. We tried to find the hotel you told us about
close to the beach...no luck. Was it the Rooftop Hotel? Nothing in the
phone book. Thanks again and we hope to see you soon.
Leonard & Janine
Bailee Tucker
Ashland, Ohio
On behalf of my colleagues and family (yes including barf boy :> ) I would again
like to thank you, Jim and Dave for an outstanding sail on Saturday. If you any
one ever asks for a recommendation before going with you by all means give them
my name. Regards.
Thanks for great trip; perfect end to a great vacation.
Sandy Schultz